6 04 2010

Heck yeah. After much delay, we’re finally moving. Check us out at www.sukle.com/blog in the future. We’re pretty fired up to be moving, well, except for the boxes and the lifting.

Kotex says, Break the Cycle

2 04 2010

As an advertising professional, I am sadly aware that my profession is ranked just above car salesmen on a scale of trust. Which is why it’s important to celebrate campaigns like this one, that demonstrate the positive power of what we can do. This revolutionary campaign for Kotex takes feminism from angry — to pee-your-pants-hysterical. When a girl gets her period for the first time, it comes on a flood of self-awareness and loss of control. The result can be a deep and nameless embarrassment. This campaign shoots for a full 180˚ — taking the product all the way from embarrassing to cool, but it doesn’t stop there. It goes even further to position the product as an instrument of power, via activism. Yes, we’re talking about tampons. Finally, this category gets some serious attention from the image makers. Why did this take so long?




Pizza, Bea Arthur and Mountains

26 03 2010

Yep, that’s it, just Pizza, Bea Arthur and Moutains. Interesting blog in the vein of Selleck Waterfall Sandwich. Somehow seemed appropriate for a Friday.

Don’t drink and drive

25 03 2010

We put these on the driver’s side door handle of cars parked in bar parking lots in Wyoming recently. The idea was to remind the patrons of the bars that they should be getting into the passenger side door, not the driver’s if they’ve been drinking. I know what you’re thinking, and they’re made with low-tack adhesive so they don’t mar the paint or finish on somebody’s nice ride.

A poochstache

25 03 2010

It’s not unusual to show up at Sukle to a gaggle of hairy four-leggeds. Folks like to bring their dogs on occasion to hang w/ us whilst we work away on our favorite clients. They seem to enjoy roaming the premises, and we get much enjoyment having them around. However, I believe we could get a lot more enjoyment from them if they all had rather large handlebar mustaches. Que drum roll: Humunga Stache dog toy.

Interesting info graphic

25 03 2010

Found this little graphic pretty interesting. It breaks down the traffic to sites on the internet. I guess the ratios of traffic are about what I’d expect, altho it is a little surprising that Adult is about even with Travel and Weather, considering the multi-billion dollar industry that porn is. Saw this at Fast Company.


23 03 2010

As if we didn’t already love the Heads of State, now we want to have their babies. Kidding, but we stumbled across their travel poster series and just love ’em. These guys rock!


23 03 2010

Whoever thought of this: you are my hero. I am about to institute this immediately.

Big letters

23 03 2010

What is it about big letters? Why are they so charming and attractive to us creative types? While I have no real answer to these musings, I can tell you that we’re all pretty happy to have the letters from the Denver Water channel letters billboard in-house. Now, as to what they get used for, well that’s another question. We’ve got all sorts of schemes as to how they should be used until DW needs them again. I’m voting for “You need us” on the roof of Sukle or me stealing the A and the D (my initials). I’m guessing the former will be much more warmly received around here. If you have any better suggestions, lets us know.

March Madness On Ice

22 03 2010

Don’t focus too much on the bracket because there’s some really good hockey this time of year.

MJ Dolls

18 03 2010

How classic is the hair on fire with the Pepsi can? Awaiting the release of the MJ with his hand down Emmanuel Lewis’ pants doll. See more over at Cupco.

Via Carl at Fred & Friends

The Apology Line

17 03 2010

Found an interesting project called the Apology Line done in the UK. It was created by Will Bridges and James Lees and they put up fliers and billboards all over the country with a free line to call and leave anonymous apologies for things you’ve done in the past that you’ve been wanting to atone for. Apparently hundreds of people called in and left their apologies on a recording device. It really reminded me of our stories project we did in Wyoming, where folks would tell their stories relating to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

It appears that this project is looking for funding, as this page I stumbled across seems to be looking for donations. They have some apologies listed that they’ve already received, and boy, some of them are heavy:

“I’m sorry I stole chocolates from my brother when we were very young. I’m sorry that I was jealous of him when my mother took him on holiday without me. I’m sorry that I um, I cheated on my fiancé. I’m sorry that I took drugs when I promised him I would stop. I’m sorry that my… that I found my mother unconscious when she tried to kill herself. I’m sorry that I did not protect my brother.”

“I’m sorry for having an affair with a man who’s married and has two children because my boyfriend couldn’t be bothered to spend more time with me. And thinks that his work is more important than me. I’m sorry that I’ve wasted so much love on my boyfriend”

“I would like to apologise to my daughter who is twenty-seven now. For the fact that I always resented having a daughter. I wanted a son. And I wasn’t a very nice mother to her. I told her I’m sorry. Things in her childhood… I have never told her the real reason because I think it would hurt her too much. I just want to say sorry. I don’t want her to know it was me, I think that would be too
painful for her. I love her very much. Thank you.”

It really has that postsecret vibe to it, doesn’t it?


17 03 2010

Tell people things at bigassmessage.com

Animals with lightsabres.

17 03 2010

I love it when animals break out their Star Wars skills on each other and unsuspecting, and very deserving, humans. Animals with Lightsabres.

How many billboards project

10 03 2010

Oh leave it to LA to mix the artwork with the advertising, you pioneers, you. The How Many Billboards show is based on the philosophical proposition: art should occupy a visible position in the cacophony of mediated images in the city, and it should do so without merely adding to the visual noise. The thought is that art periodically displace advertisement in the urban environment.

Billboards are a dominant feature of the landscape in Los Angeles. Thousands line the city’s thoroughfares, delivering high-end commercial messages to a repeat audience. Given outdoor advertising’s strong presence in public space, it seems reasonable and exciting to set up the possibility for art to be present in this field. The sudden existence of artistic speech mixed in with commercial speech provides a refreshing change of pace. Commercial messaging tells you to buy; artistic messaging encourages you to look and to think.

The artist’s work will be up until the end of March.